The Shema

June 24, 2024 by Moshe BenAvraham

The Shema - The Greatest Commandments
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As believers, our faith is rooted in the Torah and the Brit Hadashah that have guided our ancestors for millennia. Among these, the Shema and the concept of the Messiah hold profound importance…

The Letter to the Galatians: A Hebrew Understanding

JULY 22, 2024 by Moshe BenAvraham

The Curse of the Law: A Hebrew Look at the Letter to the Galatians.
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Welcome to my study of Galatians, from a Hebrew perspective. We will be starting with chapter one. This book or letter alone has caused many to stumble. I want to examine the the words written to the Galatians more thoroughly and in complete context…

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Aug 10, 2024 by Moshe Ben Avraham

Is the Traditions of Men the Same as Pagenism?
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e Traditions of the Elders nullify the Word of YAHWEH. The Pharisees aka the Rabbi’s or
Sages were and still do today use these traditions. No more was the Torah relevant, like
today, in modern Judaism, the Torah takes a back seat to look set apart instead of being
set apart by the instructions of YAHWEH.

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